HEC Balochistan FATA Scholarship 2024


Provision of Higher  Education Opportunities for the Students of Balochistan & Erstwhile FATA (Phase-III)

HEC Undergraduate Scholarships for Students of Balochistan 2024 Higher  Education Commission is implementing the project “Provision of Higher Education Opportunities for the Students of Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA Phase-III. Under the project 5,000 Undergraduate Scholarships (Bachelor level programs 4-5 years) for students from Balochistan and erstwhile FATA. Every year 1000 scholarships will be awarded in all disciplines of social sciences, medicine, engineering, pharmacy, agriculture, physical sciences, etc. The scholarships will cover the tuition fee, hostel charges, living allowance to students, book allowance, initial settlement allowance and travel allowance. Students who seek admission and those who are already admitted or enrolled would also be eligible to apply. The scholarships will be equally distributed between Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA.

Distribution of Scholarships will be based on the district-wise population. The scholarship distribution ratio for the students of Balochistan & Erstwhile FATA is 50:50 (i.e. 50% scholarships will be awarded to each region).


  • Provision of higher  education opportunities to students from Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA through enrolling them in educational institution of other province and supporting them by paying their tuition fee and other living expenses.
  • Opportunity to have access to higher education and hence will improve their economic condition on a microeconomic level, resulting in positive effects on macroeconomic development of Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA.
  • Enhance participation of students from Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA at different levels of education and hence contribute to national and regional economy.
  • Provide grooming & learning opportunities and better job opportunities to the youth of less privileged areas.
  • To keep the regional balance in acquisition of quality higher education for all federating units of Pakistan.​

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How to Apply

  1. ​Applicants are required to submit their applications online through the HEC website at ​https://scholarships.hec.gov.pk ​Ensure that a duly attested copy of the CNIC, applicant’s and father/guardian’s domicile / local Certificate (duly attested by the district administration), and educational documents (duly attested by the respective boards) are uploaded.
  2. Hard copy of applications and any other documents are not required at this stage.
  3. Test fee of Rs. 500/- is to be deposited via 1Link 1Bill invoice participating Banks/ATM/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking.
  4. To submit the fee, select 1Link 1bill Invoice payment service. Open/sign in into your mobile app and click on Bill payment or payment services (as your mobile banking app options). Click on 1Bill Invoice payment service and enter the consumer number generated by the HEC portal. Once you see the details, pay the amount. (The test fee is non refundable/non transferable).
  5. After depositing the fee through 1Link 1Bill Invoice, click on “Verify Online Payment” on application form.
  6. The applicant must submit the online application after completing the application form. Saved and Incomplete applications in any respect will NOT be considered.
  7. The applicant should ensure that application has been submitted by clicking on “Submit Application / Verify Payment” & receival of acknowledgement.
  8. HEC reserves the right to postpone or cancel the scholarship process at any stage without assigning any reason.
1Undergraduate Scholarship for the Students of Balochistan and Erstwhile FATA(Click here to apply​)Click here to Download the User ManualClick here to View the Video Tutorial

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