Most Important computer MCQS


1. The man who built the 1st mechanical calculator was 

 a) John Mauchly b) Blaise Pascal c) Joseph Marie Jacquard d) Howard Aiken

2. Punched cards were  1st introduced by

a) Powers b) Pascal c) Jacquard d) Hollerith

3. The 1st machine which would be called prototype of the modern computer was

a) Automatic loom b) Difference engine c) Analytic engine d) Slide rule

4. Computers built before the 1st generation of computers were

 a) electricals b) electro-mechanical  c) mechanical d) none of the above

5. First generation computers used

a) transistors b) vacuum tubes c) wires d) integrated circuits

6. VLSI was first used with the computers of

 a) third generation b) fourth generation c) second generation d) none of the above

7. Second generation computers started appearing in

a) 1960 b) 1955 c) 1950 d) 1970

8. Word size of a home computer is

a) 64 bits b) 32 bits c) 8 bits d) 16 bits

9. Size of the primary memory of a Personal Computer ranges between

a) 8 KB and 64KB b) 64 KB and 256 KB c) 256 KB and 640 KB d) none of the above

10. CPU speed of a personal computer (PC)  is

a) 32 kilo instruction per second  b) one million instructions per second c) 100 kilo instruction per second) none of the above

11. VAX-11 from DEC is a

a) mini-computer b) super mini-computer c) mainframe computer d) none Of the above

12. At present, a super computer has the computing capability of

a) 4,00OPCs b) 40,OOOPCs c) 4. million PCs d) none of the above

13. Cursor is a

a) thin blinking line b) pointing device c) pixel d) none of the above

14. Backspace key is a

a) control key b) function key c) character key d) none of the above

15. In a high resolution mode, the number of dots in a line is

a) 320 b) 760 c) 640 d) 900

16. Programs stored in ROM are called

a) hardware       b) firmware c) software d) none of the above

17. The unit “kilo instruction per second” is used to measure the speed of

a) processor    b) printer  c) tape drive d) disk drive

18. A binary system has

a) two symbols (a) and (b) b) two symbols 0 and 1 c) at least two symbols d) none of the above

19. The nine’s complement of a decimal number is obtained by

 a) adding each digit of the number to 9 b) multiplying the given number by 9 c) subtracting each digit of the number from 9  d) dividing the given number by 9

20. A compiler

a)  translates a high-level language into machine language b) is a part of software c) is a computer program d) none of the above

21. Computer software includes

 a) application programs b) operating system programs c) packaged programs d) all the above

22. Machine language

a) differs from one type of computer to another b) is the language in which programs were first written c) is the only language understood by the computer d) all the above

23. 1K IS equivalent to

a) 26  b) 28  c) 210  d) none of the above

24. Binary Coded Decimal numbers express-each decimal digit as

a) bits b) bytes c) word d) none of the above

25. The basic operations performed by a computer is

 a) storage and retrieval operations b) arithmetic operations c) logical operations d) all the above

26. The earliest calculating device is

a) abacus  b) difference engine  c) clock d) none of the above

27. Assembly language

a) is the easiest language to write programs b) need not be translated into machine language c) uses alphabetic codes in place of binary numbers used in machine language d) none of the above

28. A source program is

a) a program written in a machine Language b) a program to be translated into machine language c) a machine language translation of a program written in a high-level language d) none of the above

29. Stand-alone programs refer to

 a) object programs b) source program c) executable programs d) none of the above

30. Algorithm and flowchart help us to

 a) direct the output to a printer b) know the memory capacity c) identify the base of a number system d) specify the problem completely and clearly

31. The steps in an algorithm

a) must follow a prescribed order b) will follow a prescribed order sometimes  c) need not follow any order d) will follow a random order

32. Input/Output serves as

 a) an interface between input and memory b) an interface between user and machine c) an interface between input and CPU  d) an interface between data and program

33. The major advantage of the flowchart is

a) Reduce error and omissions in the program b) Reduce logic c) Reduce programming steps d) Reduce the error

34. An algorithm is said to be deterministic. Since algorithm has

a) One alternative b) Two alternatives c) Three alternatives d) More than three alternatives

35. Find the product of 1001 and 1101

a) 1110111 b) 1110100  c) 1110101   d) 1001010

36. Evaluate 10l 11/10

a) 1010, with remainder 1 b) 1110, with remainder 1 c) 1100, with remainder 1 d) 1011, with remainder 1

37. The number of bits in single word is known as

a) Word length  b) Bytes  c) Buffer  d) Word count  

38. A floppy disk has. 80 tracks; each track is subdivided into 9 sectors. Each sector can store 512 bytes. What is the capacity of the disk in K bytes?

a) 512K bytes b) 1024Kbytes c) 364K bytes d) none of the above

39. Which is the single user Operating System

 a) NOVELL NETWARE b)  DOS c) UNIX d) none of the above

40. Which is the correct multi-user system

a) UNIX b) NOVELL NETWARE c)WINDOWS NT d) An the above

41. Which the correct single user operating system

a) MS-DOS b) CP/M c) WINDOWS 95 d) All the above

42 State which is not an exactly an operating system

a) MS-DOS b) Widows 3.1 c) Windows 95 d) None of the above

43. The External commands generally come with the extension

a) .COM  b) .BAT c) .EXE d) All the above

44. State the valid resident commands

a) REN   b) DIR    c) VER   d) All the above

45. State the valid DOS command types

a) Internal or Resident commands b) External or Transient commands c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above

46. MS-DOS operating system consists of

a) MSDOS.SYS   b) IO.SYS c) COMMAND.COM & set of utilities d) All the above

47. State the correct External command


48. In formatting, floppy is divided into

 a) sectors b) both (a) and (b) c) tracks d) none of the above

49. The DIR command is generally used to display

a) File name  b) Size of the files c) date and time d) File name extension e) All the above

50. Nearly all the Windows applications share a common set of commands

a) New b) Open c) Save d) Print e) all the above

Answers: 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-c, 9-c, 10-c, 11-b, 12-b, 13-a, 14-a, 15-c, 16-b, 17-a, 18-b, 19-c, 20-a, 21-d, 22-d, 23-c, 24-a, 25-d, 26-a, 27-c, 28-b, 29-c, 30-d, 31-a, 32-b, 33-a, 34-b, 35-c, 36-d, 37-c, 38-a, 39-b, 40-d, 41-d, 42-c, 43-d, 44-d, 45-c, 46-d, 47-e, 48-b, 49-e, 50-e

1. The content of RAM is

a) Permanent  b) Temporary  c) Volatile d) Duplicate

2. 1 MB (Mega Byte) is equivalent to

a) 220 bytes b) 210 bytes c) 240 bytes d) 28 bytes

3. The common secondary devices (auxiliary storage units) are

a)Floppy disk drive b) Magnetic drum c) Magnetic tape drive d) Magnetic disk drive

4. The hexadecimal equivalent of a binary number 100110101s

a) A9 b) B9 c) 9A d) 9B

5. Memory is made up of

a) A set of Circuits b) A large number of cells c) A set of wires d) None of the above

6. The binary system has the blow mentioned symbols

a)  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 b) 0,1,A,B,C c) 0,A  d) 0,1

7. The binary equal of a octal number 635 is

a) 1010111102 b) 1100111012 c) 0111011102 d) 1101010112

8. Read Dilly Memory can store the instructions

a) Temporary b) Permanently c) Equally d) Not equally

9. To code each character, ASCII generally represents in terms of

a) 7-bits b) 16-bits c) 8-bits d) 3-bits

10. Evaluate 11001112/1012

a) 11102  b) 10112 c) 11112  d) 10012

11. ROM can be defined as

a) A set of connectors b) Chip containing a special electronic circuit c) A set of wires d) A set of memory cells

12. The hexadecimal equal of a octal number 643 is

a) 1A3 b) 13A  c) A13  d) 31A

13. One byte is equivalent to

a) 32-bit b) 8-bit  c) 16-bit d) 64-bit

14. RAM stands for

a) Read Automatic Memory b) Random Assessing Memory c) Random Access Memory d) Random/Allowable Memory

15. Every Information is saved in the system memory in terms of

 a) Digits b) Character and digits c) Zeros and ones  d) Character

16. BCD stands for

a) Bits Coded Decimal b) Bytes Coded Decimal c)Binary Coded Decimal d) Binary Coded Data

17. EBCDIC stands for

a) Extendad Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code b) Extend Binary Coded Data Interchange Code c) Extents of Binary Coded Digits Interchange Code d) Extended Binery Coded Decimal Information Code

18. The decimal equivalant of an octal number 76 is

a) 64 b) 62  c) 66 d) 58

19. ASCII stands for

a) American Standerd Code for Information Initiation b) Americans Standard Code for Initial Informations c) American Standard Code for Informations Interchange d) Apropriate Standard Code for Informations Interachange

20. Which one device can able to understand the difference in between data & programs?

a) Output device b) Memory c) Input device d) Microprocessor

21. EPROM could be used for

a) Reconstructing all of the contents of ROM b) Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM c) Erasing the contents of ROM d) Duplicating ROM

22. The prime units of computer are

a) Input, output, CPU, auxiliary storage unit b) Input, Output, Memory c) Input, output, CPU d) Input, CPU, auxiliary storage unit

23. The octal equal of a binary number 01001 is

a) 22 b) 11  c) 51 d) 12

24. Flow charts are classified into

a) Data and system flowcharts b) Program and system flowcharts c) Program and decision flowcharts d) 

Program and data flowcharts

25. The binary equal of hexadecimal number 4B7 is

a) 011110110100 b) 010010110111 c) 101101110110 d) 101101001611

26. Information can be saved, or retrieved from memory location through its

a) Address b) Value c) Variable declaration d) Input

27. Central Processing Unit consists

a) Primary memory, control unit, arithmetic and logic unit b) Input, output c) Input, memory, output d) Inputs, outputs, control units,  memory unit

28. The shape of decision symbol using in a flow chart is

a) Parallelogram shaped box b) Diamond shaped box c) Rectangular shaped box d) Flat, oval in shape

29. A number involving to weights attached to the position of the number is called

a) Face value b) Place value c) Base value d) Weights of the number

30. Double precision variable can occupy

a) 4 bytes b) 8 bytes c) 2 bytes d) 10 bytes

31. In computer terminology 1 and 0 are called

a) Bits b) Binary digits c) Bytes d) “on” and “off”

32. MAR stands for

a) Memory Address Register b) Memory Arithmetic Register c) Memory Access Register d) Memory Assessing Register

33. 5A3 is a

a) Octal number b) Hexadecimal number c) Decimal number d) Binary number

34. A number in the binary system is changed to its equal octal system by partitioning the binary number into

a) 4-bit blocks b) 1-bit block c) 3-bit blocks d) 2-bit blocks

35. The decimal equal of hexadecimal number 4B3 is

a) 1230 b) 1203 c) 1200 d) 1215

36. Algorithm and flowcharts are help us to

a) know the memory capacity b) specify the problem completely and clearly c) know the processing speed d) specify input parameters

37. The primitive steps relating in the development of an algorithms are

a) Input, assignment, decision, repetitive and output b) Input, decision and output c) Input, assignment and output d) d) Input, assignment, decision and output

38. Which is the sum of the binary ‘number 101 and 1101 is

a) 10010 b) 10100 c) 10101 d) 10110 

39. The symbols 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F related to

a)Decimal system b)Octal system c)Hexadecimal system d)None of the above

40. In a flowchart, pentagonal designed box is used for

a) Off-page connector symbol b) Connection symbol c) Module symbol d) Modification symbol

41. The octal equal of a decimal number 65 is

a) 111 b) 101 c) 100 d) 110

42. To ensure readability’ of a flow chart, it must be drawn

a) from left to right b) from center c) from right to left d) from top to bottom

43. Memory unit is one part of

a) Control unit b) Output device c) Input device d) Central Processing Unit

44. The system programs which are as permanent as hardware and stored in ROM is known as

 a) Software b) Firmware c) Hardware d) ROMware

45. The steps in an algorithm

a) will follow a random order b) must follow a prescribed order c) need not follow any order d) will follow a prescribed order sometimes

46. The hexadecimal same of a decimal number 749 is

a) 2EB b) 2EC c) 2ED d) E2D

47. Evaluate 1111012 – 100102

a) 1011102 b) 1110102    c) 1101012 d) 1010112

48. A file manager can be used to perform actions such as

a) Change drive and directories b) format, copy and erase disk contents c)  list, move, copy and delete file(s) and directories d) All the above

49. The topology or types of networks are

a) Star topology b) Ring topology c) Bus topology d) All the above

50. State the types of Novell NetWare Command.

a) User workstation commands b) Supervisor or Operator Workstation commands c) Console commands d) all the above 

Answers: 1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-b, 6-d, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a, 10-b, 11-b, 12-a, 13-b, 14-c, 15-c, 16-c, 17-a, 18-b, 19-c, 20-d, 21-b, 22-a, 23-b, 24-b, 25-b, 26-a, 27-a, 28-b, 29-b, 30-b, 31-a, 32-a, 33-b, 34-c, 35-b, 36-b, 37-a, 38-a, 39-c, 40-b, 41-b, 42-a, 43-d, 44-b, 45-b, 46-a, 47-d, 48-d, 49-d, 50-d

1. The Find option can be used to

a) trace files only b) trace computers on the machine and network only c) both (a) and (b)  d) none of the above

2. The Shut Down menu has

a) only restart the computer option b) only restart the computer in MS-DOS mode c) only shut down the computer option d) all the above

3. The Windows Explorer can be used to

a) Arranging of file(s) and folders by name, date, size etc., and delete files or folders  b) Create a new folder; rename a folder/file(s}  c)Copy files from one place to another d) Move folder from one place to another  e) all the above

4. The Windows accessories consist of

a) Games, Internet tools, Multimedia, System Tools, Word pad b) Calculator, Dial-Up Networking, Direct 

cable connection c) Hyper Terminal, Imaging, Notepad, Paint, Phone Dialer  d) All the above

5. The components of UNIX consists of

a) Kemal  b) UNIX utilities c) Application software d) All the above

6. Which are the correct features of UNIX

a) Hierarchical file system, UNIX shell  b) Pipes and filters, Utilities, Security  c) Portability, Multi-user operations d) Background .processing, Software development tools  e) All tile above

7. The Versions of UNIX include

a) UNIXWARE, SOLARIS b) SCO UNIX, IRIX c) c} HP-UX, DEC OSF/1 d) AIX, LINUX, A/UX e) All the above

8. A UNIX file name

 a) should not contain a blank or a tab b)  can contain both upper and lower case alphabets  c) both (a) and (b)  d) none of the above

9. The Ordinary files

a) may contain viz., text, data, programs and binary codes b) can be created through programs or editor or through any other UNIX utility c) are completely under users control d) can be made’ as per users own format/ structure e) all the above

10. The special files

a) are typically associated with input-output devices b) cannot be altered by the users c) are mostly the system files in UNIX d) all the above

11. The types of users in UNIX are

a) System Administrator b) File Owner c) Group Owner d) Other users e) All the above

12. The System Administrator is

a) is used to create users & groups of users for the system b) takes regular backup of all data and programs to prevent of data loss due to system breakdown c) is primarily responsible for the smooth running of the whole system d) all the above

13. Which command can be used to list the contents of a directory i.e., names of files & subdirectories in a directory

a) Is  b) pwd  c) dir d) none of the above

14. Which one is the appropriate command can be used to copy files in UNIX?

a) copy b) cp c) ncopy d) none of the above

15. Which is the wildcard character of UNIX Operating System

a) * c) [ ] b) ? d) all the above

16. State the invalid vi editor command

a) o – Inserts blank line below and allow insertion b) i-Inserts text at current cursor position c) a – Appends text after current cursor position d) O – Inserts blank line above and allow insertion e) None of the above

17. Which is the invalid Undo/Restore vi editor commands

a) U – Restore last change b) u – Undo last change c) both (a) and (b)  d) none of the above

18. Case conversions of a text require steps such as

a) highlight the word or paragraph b) choose format and select case d) choose the desired case option and click OK d) all the above

19. Microsoft Office consist of

a) MS EXCEL b) MS POWERPOINT c) MS WORD d) MS ACCESS e) All the above

20. Microsoft Word help us

a) to type letters or documents or creating tables b) to edit, format,  Alignment of text/document/tables c) for spell checking, text transfer, adding/ removing text d) for grammatical check and printing e) all the above

21. Which is the correct user workstation commands

a) ATTACH b) LOGIN c) CASTOFF d) LISTDIR e) All the above

22. The WHOAMI command displays

a) group membership, security equivalences b) allotted rights in every directory c) file server name, user name, login date and time d) all the above

23. Which is the valid Supervisor or Operator Workstation commands

a) NVER   b) PURGE c) PSTAT d) SALVAGE e) All the  above

24. State the valid Console command

 a) DOS b) ENABLE LOGIN c) BROADCAST d) all the above

25. The Desktop consists of

a) Network Neiqhbourhoods, My Computer  b) Shortcuts, Long File Names  c) Recycle Bin, Task bar and Start Menu d) All the above

26. The deleted files

a) will be stored in My computer directory b) will be stored in Recycle bin c) cannot be recalled d) none of the above

27. The Start Menu consists of 

 a) Settings, Find, Help b) Run, Shut Down c) Programs, Documents d) All the above

28. The MS Word (Microsoft Word) document window consists of 

a) Menu bars, Ruler b) Status bar, Scroll bar c) Title bar, Tool bars d) all the above

29. In MS Word, the tool bar is classified into

a) Formatting tool bar b) Drawing tool bar c} Standard tool bar d) all the above

30. The Status bar displaying the information about

a) current page number and column b) current line number and section number c) the currently active document or the task on which you are currently working d) all the above

31. Correctly arrange the following in sequence:  To Create a new document in MS word, the steps must be

(1) Select New (2) In the General tab, Select Blank Document (3) Click on OK (4) Click on the File Menu in the Standard Menu bar (5) Start typing the text or data (6) After typing the text, Click on File menu and select Save (7) Provide a file name to save the new document and click OK.

a) 4,1,2,3,5,6,7 b) 4,7,2,3,5,6,1  c) 2,1,4,3,5,6,7 d) none of the above

32. To make a Backup copy of a MS Word document, the steps required are

a) Click on options b) Choose the option Always create backup copy c) Select File menu in the Standard Menu bar and select Save As d) Click OK e) Click Save f) all the above

33. Find the incorrect LET statement

a) LET A = A + 1  b) LET A$=”BASIC”  c) A = A*B  d) LET A=”X33″

34. Find the incorrect LET statement

a) LET A=”JAVA  b) LET B$=XYZ  c) LET $= “SCIENCE”  d) all the above

35. In allmost versions of BASIC a number can have

a) 8 to 9 digits  b) 6 to 7 digits  c) 7 to 8 digits  d) none of the above

36. A sequence of characters is can be defined as

a) a single line  b) special characters  c) a string  d) none of the above

37. All string variable name must end with a

a) Ʊ sign  b) @ sign  c) $ sign  d) % sign

38. All numeric variable name should begin with an

a) integer  b) alphabet c) operand E d) none of the above

39. BASIC language supports

a) addition, subtraction b) multiplication c) division and exponentiation d) all the above

40. The hierarchy of operation is

a) addition subtraction, exponentiation and multiplication b) addition, multiplication, division and exponentiation c) addition, subtraction, multiplication and division d) exponentiation, multiplication & division, addition and subtraction

41. Which is the correct shortcut key to make the letters boldface

a) Ctrl+B b) Ctrl+F6 c) either (a) or (b) d) none of the above

42. Which is the correct shortcut key to make the letters italic.

a) Ctrl+B b) Ctrl+I c) either (a) or (b) d) none of the above

43. Which is the correct shortcut key to underline.

a) Ctrl+ U b) Ctrl+ F5 c) either (a) or (b) d) none of the above

44. State the correct shortcut key to bring the convert case option.

a) Shift + F1        b) Shift + F2        c) Shift+ F3         d) none of the above

45. State the correct shortcut key to bring the text in the center.

a) Ctrl+C b) Ctrl+D  c) Ctrl+E d) none of the above

46. State the correct shortcut key to set the line spacing as 1.5 in the text.

a) Ctrl + 1 b) Ctrl +5 c) Ctrl+15 d) none ofthe above

47. State the correct shortcut key to set the subscript in a text.

a) Ctrl + * sign b) Ctrl + = sign     c) Ctrl+S d) none of the above

48. In BASIC, using the operator ^ is for

a) subtraction b) exponentiation c) multiplication d) addition

49. In BASIC, using the operator “/” is for

a) division b) addition c) multiplication d) exponentiation

50. In BASIC, using the operator “*” is for

a) subtraction b) multiplication c) addition  d) division 

Answers: 1-c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-d, 5-d, 6-e, 7-e, 8-c, 9-e, 10-d, 11-e, 12-d, 13-a, 14-b, 15-d, 16-e, 17-c, 18-d, 19-e, 20-e, 21-e, 22-d, 23-e, 24-d, 25-d, 26-b, 27-d, 28-d, 29-d, 30-d, 31-a, 32-f, 33-d, 34-d, 35-a, 36-c, 37-c, 38-b, 39-d, 40-d, 41-a, 42-b, 43-a, 44-c, 45-c, 46-b, 47-b, 48-b, 49-a, 50-b

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