The Examination shall include compulsory and optional subjects and every candidate shall
take all the compulsory subjects and three of the optional subjects, subject to the following
a) Not more than two subjects shall be taken from each group.
b) Not more than two subjects shall be taken from among papers 10, 11, 18, 19 and 34
(Arabic Literature Periods I and II, Islamic History P-I and II, Islamiat).
A candidate shall answer the papers in English unless otherwise directed.
The compulsory and optional subjects and maximum marks fixed for each subject shall be as
shown in the statement below:

No candidate shall be summoned for viva voce test unless he had obtained at least 33 percent
marks in each individual written paper and 50 percent marks in the aggregate. Five grace marks only
may, however, be given to really deserving candidates in one or two papers or in the aggregate
provided that such grant of grace marks shall not entitle the grantee to have a better position in the
merit list than those successful candidates who have not been granted any grace marks. No candidate
shall be considered to have qualified in the examination unless he also obtains at least 50 percent
marks in viva voce. Failure in or absence from viva voce shall mean that the candidate has failed to
qualify for appointment and his name will not be included in the merit list.
The knowledge of “Islamic Studies will not apply to non-Muslim candidates”.

NOTE: All the papers shall be of three hours duration.
- If a candidate’s handwriting is not easily legible a deduction which may considerable be made
on this account from the total marks secured by him. - Credit will be given for good English including orderly, effective, and exact expression
combined with due economy of words, in all subjects of the Examination and not only subject
which are especially devoted to English. - Name of candidates who qualify shall be arranged in order of merit according to the aggregate
marks obtained in the examination.
NOTE: In the event of a tie, the order of merit shall be determined in accordance with the highest
marks secured in the viva voce. if the marks in the viva voce of the candidate who tie, be
equal, then the order of merit shall be decided in accordance with the highest marks obtained
by such candidate in the aggregate of compulsory subjects.
- a) English:
This paper is intended to test the candidate’s command of the English language and
may include précis writing, usage of idioms, etc.
b) English Essay:
An essay to be written in English on one of several specified subjects and is intended
to test the candidate’s ability to compose. - a) Essay in Urdu/Sindhi/Pushto/Balochi/Brahui / Punjabi:
This paper is intended to test his candidate’s command of the language concerned.
b) General Paper in Urdu/Punjabi/Sindhi/Pashto/Baluchi / Brahui:
This paper is intended to test the ability of the candidate’s to write the language
fluently and to translate from English into it. Candidates will be expected to have a
grasp of the language and to understand poetry and prose, knowledge of literature
as such will not for part of this paper. - General Knowledge including Everyday Science:
This paper is intended to test the candidate’s knowledge of current world affairs and
also of broad facts of historical, political geographical and economics importance. A
section will be included to test the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of
matters of everyday observation and experience in this scientific aspect. 70 marks
will be allowed for General Knowledge and 30 marks for Everyday Science. - Islamic and Pakistan Studies:
The candidate should be able to answer the questions on the following topics:
i. Shariat-i-Islam and Arkan-i-Islam.
ii. Holy Prophet’s life.
iii. Pakistan’s Movement and Historical Feature of Pakistan. - Viva Voce:
The viva voce will be to test the personal qualities of the candidates. This
examination will be in matters of general interest and is intended to test candidates’
alertness, intelligence and general outlook. Consideration will also be paid to the
bearing and physique of the candidates.
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - English Literature, Period-I, 1780-1832 Sectt, Wordsworth Lamb, Keats, Shelley,
Byron and Jane Austen. - English Literature Period-II, 1832-1901 Carlyle, Dickens Thackeray, Tenyson,
Browing, Matho, Arnold and Thomas Hardy.
Note: Special attention should be paid to the authors name and a candidate will be expected to be
familiar with some of their works. A candidate will also be expected to have studied the
literary history of this period and to have done some independent reading outside the
author’s name. In making the paper importance will be attached to evidence of the wide
reading and independent judgement. - Arabic 4. Persian 5. French
- Sansikrit 7. Latin 8. German
Translation from the language into the English and from
English into the language. - History of Urdu Literature Candidates will be expected to know the best known works in
the language and to possess knowledge of the History of the
Literature and such knowledge of general social history as
well, enable them to understand the literature.
- Arabic Literature, Period-I i. Pre-Islamic Poetry.
ii. The Holy Quran.
iii. Tafsir Literature.
iv. Evolution of Hedith Literature.
v. Origin and Development of early prose.
vi. Omayyad period poets and prose writers. - Arabic Literature, Period-II i. Abbasid period poets, scientists, prose writers,
geographers, historians and journalists etc.
ii. Arabic Literature in Spain poets, prose writers,
geographers, historians, philosophers and medical
writers, etc. - Persian Literature Period-I Upto 1550 A.D.
- Persian Literature Period-II After 1500 A.D. including the literature produced in the
Indo-Pak Sub-continent.
Note: Candidates will also be expected to answer questions regarding the cultural background of
Persian Literature in both above periods.
HISTORY - Indian History Period-I India from the first Arian settlement to the end of 1526 A.D.
Questions may also be set on the History of Buddhism
outside India. - Indian History Period-II India from 1527 to 1857
- English History from 1714 A.D. Standard same as for Degree Examination
- European History from 1780 A.D. Standard same as for Degree Examination
- Islamic History Period-I i. Pre-Islamic Arabia.
ii. The Holy Prophet and the orthodox Caliphs.
iii. The Omayyad Period. - Islamic History Period-II i. Abbasid Period.
ii. Muslim Rule in Span.
MATHEMATICS - Pure Mathematics Standard same as for degree examination.
- Applied Mathematics Standard same as for degree examination.
- Statistics Standard same as for degree examination.
SCIENCE - Physics Mechanics and properties of the Matters, Sound, Heat,
Light, Magnetism and electricity as for degree examination. - Chemistry Chemistry paper will include all the three sections (A)
Inorganic (B) Physical and (C) Organic Chemistry each
carrying equal marks. The standard is the same as for degree
examination. - Applied Chemistry Chemical Plant, Chemical Engineering, Ceramics, Oils,
Sugar, leather, Soap and Toilet Products paper and
Cellulose derivatives, Food preservation and Milk Products,
Rosin and Turpentine, Paints and Varnishes Coal
Carbonization and Road Tars, Fermentation Industries,
Water purification, Waste disposal starch and Allied
Products, Heavy Chemicals, Fertilizer Matches. - Botany Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Zoology Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Agriculture Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Astronomy Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Human Anatomy Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Physiology Standard Same as for degree Examination.
MISCELLANEOUS - Ethics and Psychology Standard same as for degree Examination.
- Logic and Elements of
Logic will cover all the topics usually discussed in deductive
and inductive logic including the Categories and the
predicable. The Reduction of Syllogisms, different kinds of
Syllogics and Quantitative Determination, Questions may
be set not only on points of doctrine but also on the logical
analysis of arguments.
1.The Problem of Philosophy, its relation with common
sense, Science, and Religion. The Method of Philosophy
and Divisions of Philosophy.
2.Theories of knowledge Sceptionism, Realism,
Intuitionism, Pragmatism.
3.Theories of Boing-Dualism, Monism-Pluralism
Materialism, Spiritualism, Neutral Monism, Emergent
Evolution. - Islamiat The Candidates will be expected to have a reasonably good
knowledge of Quran, Hadith and Fiqah. They Should be
able to answer questions on the following subjects.
a. Shariat-i-Islam and Arkan-i-Islam.
b. Holy Prophet’s life.
c. History of the Khulpha-i-Rashideen.
The Study of the following books is recommended:
i. Spirit on Islam by Amir Ali.
ii. Sirat-un-Nabi by Shibli Numani.
iii. Khutbat-i-Madaras by Syed Suleman Nadvi.
iv. The early Caliphate by Muhammad Ali. - Economics Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Political Science Standard Same as for degree Examination.
- Criminal Law The Pakistan Penal Code. The Evidence Act, The Criminal
Procedure Code. - Civil Law The Evidence Act. The Civil procedure Code. The
limitation Act.
Note: For Paper in subject (37) and (38) bare copies of the
relevant Acts will be provided. - Geography General and political Geography of the world. A Special
knowledge of the geography of Pakistan, India and
adjoining countries will be expected, contours and
elementary principles of Land Surveying questions on
Physical and Economic geography may be set. - International Relations. 1. European and USA Affairs since, 1919 with special
reference to the following topics:
a. The Versailles settlement.
b. The League of Nations and UNO.
c. Soviet Foreign Policy.
d. The Second World War.
e. Foreign Policy of U.S.A.
f. Fascism and National Socialism.
g. The Current International Situation. - Eastern Affairs since 1919 with special reference to the
following topics.
a. The Expansion of Japan.
b. The Chinese Civil War.
c. The Freedom Movement in South-East Asia.
d. The Palestine Problem and the Arab States.
e. The Egyptian Nationalism.
f. Turkey and its Foreign Policy.
g. International Rivalries in Iran and Afghanistan. - Geographical aspects of International Relations.
- Commerce Comprising. 1. Industrial and commercial Organization.
- Industrial and Commercial Law.
- Statistics
- Public Administration Legal and institutional setting, principles of organization
internal management and control, Personal management,
fiscal management, Planning, Special problems in
administration. - Sociology Definition, Scope and methods of Sociology, Study of social
problems population, rate relations, disorganization of
families, crime etc. History of social thought etc. Social
structures like Government, Family etc. Community and
community organization with study of Ecology and group
relationship, Family, Marriage and Population problems
with special reference to social problems of Pakistan. - Social Work Standard same as for degree examination.
- Geology Standard same as for degree examination.
- Each candidate should consult the conditions and syllabus enclosed here with and
gives his option in the columns provided below. This sheet should be attached with the
application. - Each candidate should give his option for language paper of the Compulsory Subjects.

Dated: ______ __________________
(Signature of Candidate)
Father’s Name__________________________