PEEF Scholarship for Balochistan students 2019
Punjab Educational Endowment Fund (PEEF) has announced special quota scholarships for Local domicile holders of Balochistan. Students who have passed inter and Bachlor exams 2019 and belong to Balochistan Province can apply for PEEF Special quota scholarship 2019. All the information Give below, and you can also read above advertisement for complete details.
Eligibility Criteria for PEEF Scholarships for Balochistan Students
Intermediate Level:
- Candidate must have scored at least 60% marks in Inter Exams 2019 conducted by BBISE Balochistan.
- The candidate must have passed the above mentioned examination from a Government Institution.
- Candidate must have domicile of Balochistan.
- Must be enrolled in a full-time registered institution and must secured 75% attendance.
- His/Her Parent’s total monthly income must not exceed from Rs.23,000/-, otherwise, he/she will not eligible for this scholarship.
- Grade 1-4 employees children are exempted from such income condition.
- Children of those martyred in terrorist attacks are also exempted for income condition.
- The candidate must not be receiving any scholarship/stipend from any other source.
Masters Level:
- For Master level Candidate must have scored at least 60% marks or 2.5 CGPA in B.A/BSc/BBA/B.Com/BS/BCS in 2017/2018/2019.
- The PEEF has allocated 30 scholarships for Master’s level education for students studying in Public Sector Universities of Balochistan.
- Secured admission as a full-time student in the current academic / degree year as of announcing the scholarship in a Public Sector University of Balochistan.
- His/Her Parent’s total monthly income must not exceed from Rs.37,000/-, otherwise, he/she will not eligible for this scholarship.
- Not availing any other scholarship for Master’s level studies.
- The prospective student, besides fulfilling PEEF eligibility criteria, must qualify the merit and need criteria of the respective University.
For Special Quota Scholarships, the student must fall in at least one of the S.Q categories:
i. Orphan Children
ii. Children of government servants in BPS 1 – 4
iii. Children belonging to minority religion
iv. Special Children
v. Children of civilians martyred in terrorist’s attacks - The children of government employees of BPS 1 – 4 are exempted from income limit criteria if salary is the only source of income.
How to apply for PEEF Scholarships for Balochistan
Complete application form should be submitted on or before December 15, 2019. Applications filled only on prescribed application form shall be accepted. Application forms can also be downloaded from PEEF Website or BEEF Website.
Or Download it Here
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