Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam Admission 2020

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The graduate degree programs are offered by all five faculties, Istitutes, afflitated collages and SAU Sub-Campus at Umerkot. The Faculty of Agricultural Engineering offers a degree of B.E. (Agriculture). A composite professional degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (D.V.M.) is offered by the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences. The Faculty of Crop Production offers B.Sc. (Agri.) Hons degree in the subject areas of Soil Science, Agronomy, Crop Physiology, Plant Breeding & Genetics, Horticulture, and Biotechnology. Whereas, B.Sc. (Hons) four year degree programs is offered by Institute of Food Sciences & Technology. The Faculty of Crop Protection offers B.Sc. (Agri.) Hons degree in Entomology, Plant Pathology, and Plant Protection. The degree of B.Sc. (Agri.) Hons in Agricultural Economics, Rural Sociology, Applied Statistics, and Agricultural Education & Extension, is offered by Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences. The Information Technology Centre offers a four year BSIT (Hons) degree in Information Technology, besides diplomas and short trainings in various Information Technology disciplines. Moreover, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Agricultural College (SZABAC) Dokri and SAU Sub-Campus Umerkot offer B.Sc. (Agri.) Hons. and Khairpur College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Khairpur Mir‟s offers degree B.E. in Agricultural Engineering.

Academic Calendar Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam:

Each academic year shall start from January and comprises of two semesters (Spring and Fall) in all the five faculties of the University, the Information Technology Centre (ITC) and the Institute of Food Sciences & Technology (IFST). The duration of each semester is 20 weeks distributed as one week for registration, 14 weeks of actual teaching, two weeks for examination preparation, while remaining 3 weeks are meant for conduct of semester examinations. An optional, 10-12 weeks summer semester (as part of Academic Year) shall be offered to students to cover failing and or deficiency courses or to improve poor grades.

Eligibility Criteria for Admission to Graduate Degree Programs

To be eligible for admission to various graduate degree programs:

candidates must hold a minimum qualification of Intermediate Science (Pre-Medical, PreEngineering, Pre-Computer) or equivalent examination with grade “C” or above (at least 50% marks) are eligible in different faculties depending upon the requirement of each faculty, ITC & IFST as specified in each ones profile.

Students Counseling and Placement Services Students

counseling and placement center is responsible for guiding and counseling the students for getting admission in degree programs of their choice depending upon the availability of seats and other related factors. The center is also responsible to fetch the jobs for the university graduates in various public and private organizations. In this context, the centre will maintain the record of addresses / contact numbers of all passingout graduates to keep them well informed of their proper placement in various jobs commensurate with their qualifications. It will also monitor the market demand of our graduates and will guide them to start their career in the disciplines, where they can seek suitable jobs immediately after their graduation. It will also be responsible for solving day to day problems of the university students.

Directorate of Student Affairs:

This directorate facilitates the local and foreign students for seeking admission to this university, accommodation, local problems, visa facilities, etc.

Bank A full-fledged branch of Habib Bank Limited is situated adjacent to administration block which provides all sorts of banking facilities to the staff members and students.

Post and Telegraph Services University has a well staffed post office on the campus that provides all the necessary facilities including telegraph service.

Computing, Internet and Intranet Facilities Information Technology Centre (ITC) was established in 2002 to impart degree programs, PG Diploma, short term diploma and short courses of varying duration to the students of this university in particular and to the youth of the province of Sindh in general. More than 100 latest computers are available along with all necessary peripherals. The faculty and students particularly the postgraduate students are provided the internet and intranet facility for literature search. The facility for data analysis is also provided to the postgraduate students and the faculty. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has provided the internet connectivity under Pakistan Educational and Research Network (PERN). The university has its own website. The address is given at the end of this prospectus, where in all the information regarding the university is displayed. The e-mail facility is also available for the students and the faculty. Under the mega project, “Computerization and Networking Enhancement Project of SAU” all the faculties, departments, library, administration, Directorate of Advanced Studies and Research (DASR) have been interconnected together through intranet and further integrated with the existing internet facility at the ITC. More than 150 PCs are procured for the faculties and departments to establish computer labs in each faculty, library, DAS, Quality Enhancement directorate and administration block to provide internet access to all of them at their door step for the postgraduates and researchers.

Campus Security: In order to address security concerns of the staff and students residing on campus, a security system operates round the clock under the supervision of highly skilled manpower under the supervision of Director Campus Security to provide secured environment at campus. University Publications Sindh Agriculture University publishes biannually Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Sciences (PJAAEVS), a yearly Sarang Student Magazine, SAUNI News Letter and Seerat-ul-Nabi Islamic Magazine for spiritual inspirations of students. Research papers, popular articles and significant writings of the faculty and students are published in these periodicals.

Financial Aid The deserving students are awarded scholarships, freeships or cash grants by the university. Some scholarships are also allocated by the Directorates of Education. The District Education Boards of Sindh also provide some scholarships every year for meritorious students of their districts. The Government of Sindh also grants scholarships to the deserving students on poverty cum merit basis. Financial assistance is also provided from Bait-ul-Mal. The scholarships and freeships, etc. are awarded for one academic year. The continuation of the financial aid, however, is subject to a student’s satisfactory performance each year. Scholarships to the students of the province of Balochistan, KPK and Gilgit Baltistan are awarded by their respective governments through their Directorates of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry. Banks and other financial institutions also grant loans to the meritorious students on very soft terms of payment. In addition to the above provisions, scholarships are also granted on poverty basis under the HEC-USAID and HEC-JAICA need-based scholarships program. These scholarships cover almost entire expenditure of student including tuition fees, hostel fees, transportation, books and other expenses.

Job Opportunities for the Graduates of the University

The prime motive behind the establishment of the University is to promote rapid transfer of technology to the farming community through a continued output of graduates and postgraduates. The graduates disseminate the modern technical know-how to the farmers to boost up agricultural productivity. The main job opportunities are as under:

Agricultural graduates and postgraduates may be taken up to work as farm managers in Agricultural Estates. Work as specialists in various disciplines of Agriculture and allied sciences in public and private sector organizations, autonomous and semiautonomous bodies viz, Zarai Tarqiati Bank (ZTBP) of Pakistan, Pakistan Agricultural Research Council (PARC), Pakistan Council for Research on Water Resources (PCRWR), WAPDA, Fruit Preservation and Grading Industries, Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, Animal Feed Industries, etc. Their services can also be utilized in provincial and federal departments of Agricultural Extension, Research, Teaching, Fisheries, Forestry, Cooperatives, Animal Husbandry Extension Services, Veterinary Research Institutes, Poultry Research Institutes, Agricultural Engineering, Plant Protection, Plant and Animal Quarantine, Pakistan Central Cotton Committee, Public Parks and Gardens, Agricultural Tools and Machines, Seed Corporations, EPA, SCARP, BOM, Drainage Research Centers, PLAC, Sindh Sugar Corporation, Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, and other departments.

They may be taken up as agriculture teachers/subject specialists to teach agriculture and agro-technical courses in High Schools and other vocational institutes of education departments. The job-oriented graduates can share the business and management of agrobased industries like fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, sugar and jute mills, cotton factories, feed mills (Livestock and Poultry), veterinary pharmaceuticals, and milk and meat processing plants. They can also find access to the departments of Agricultural Census, Agricultural Marketing, Pakistan Broadcasting, and other corporations and commercial Banks, Agro-Economic Research, and Social Welfare Departments. Job opportunities may also be availed for the graduates of this University in various special projects sponsored by agencies like the National Planning Commission, USAID, FAO, LEAD, Ford Foundation, National Talent Pool, and agriculture consultancy firms. Agricultural degree holders may seek employment in foreign countries, especially the less developed countries with ongoing agricultural development activities.

In this connection the University is also engaged in the training of students from the developing countries. Besides, the graduates of Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam are eligible to apply for competitive examinations held by the Provincial and Federal Public Service Commissions for administrative, secretariat and other superior services of Pakistan.
BSIT (Hons.) graduates of ITC have adequate opportunities to work in software development, teaching, education and training, offices, banks and other financial organizations, research organizations, management, health care, commerce and industry, military, police, railway, air traffic, communication and transport services, telecommunication corporations, networking and database management.

Graduates of Information Technology can join as software engineer, programmer, lecturer, computer engineer, system analyst, system administrator, network administrator, network engineer, network manager, scientific officer, research officer, administrative officer, database administrator.

Catering Any group of students not less than 20 and not more than 60 or the number as may be fixed by the Hostel Provost depending on a particular situation in the hostel, who may wish to run their mess shall obtain prior permission on prescribed form from the Provost through the Warden of the hostel and intimate the name of the manager, who shall be one of the resident students of hostel.

The manager shall produce the list of the residents, who will be catered in his / her mess along with full identification, which will be subject to official scrutiny through appropriate agencies. Provost / Deputy Provost may refuse to allow any person to work on staff or any mess without assigning any reason.

The manager shall on his personal responsibility certify that the cooks and other staff members engaged in the mess are of good character and are not criminals, history convicts, assigned to him/her or acquired or engaged by him on account of any political association or affiliations.

If at any time the certificate given by a manager is found incorrect, the manager shall be liable to disciplinary action as a hostel resident as well as a student of the University. Students who may not join the mess can have their meals in the hostel canteen only. Any student found cooking meals in the rooms shall be liable for disciplinary action.


The Students of the University Shall

  • Devote whole heartedly in acquiring the knowledge imparted by the teachers with the help of prescribed books, published literature and experimental work in laboratories and fields during the course of their studies at the University.
  • Be regular in attending classes and shall maintain at least 75% attendance in the classes.
  • Maintain the notes and list of the lectures delivered by the teachers in the class.
  • Maintain and preserve in good condition the books and literature received by them from the University Libraries.
  • Handle with care and caution the equipment, instruments, tools and machines available in the laboratories at the research or demonstration farms, livestock and poultry experiment stations, and veterinary clinics of the University.
  • Extend cooperation and response to the teachers as could be conducive to the attainment of more and more knowledge and learning.
  • Show to the teachers utmost an undivided respect, obedience and recognition as would be considered in terms of morality, obligatory on the part of son or child towards his parents and elders in family.
  • Maintain neatness and cleanliness in the classrooms, laboratories, corridors, compounds and hostel rooms as could be expected of any human being in respect of his own dwelling, home or abode.
  • To participate fully and whole heartedly in sports, games and extracurricular activities with the object of developing a healthy body for a healthy mind.
  • To encourage activities that may create a sense of brother-hood and affinity among the students.
  • Maintain identity as a student of the University and oneness among all students by wearing the gown and identity badges on chest as may be prescribed by the University.
  • Contribute actively in the development of national ideology and Islamic mode of life.
  • Implicit obedience and follow the rules, instructions, guidelines issued by the University authorities from time to time.
  • Show due respect and regard to all leaders of national fame, scholars and religious leaders without distinction.
  • And generally do all acts and deeds as would be, conducive for elevating the image of the University in the society and raising prestige of the University as proud students thereof.
  • The Students of the University Shall Refrain From
  • Indulging into activities against the Islamic and Pakistan Ideology or national solidarity.
  • Indulging into activities promoting / invoking violence or hatred or contempt.
  • Indulging into rising of slogans or words spoken or written against any group, class or individuals or against the University authorities.  Promoting or propagating any regional group, linguistic or sectarian conflicts.
  • Using any part of the University Campus for holding political or sectarian gatherings.
  • Indulging in foul or malpractices at the examinations.
  • Using pressure tactics or political or personal influence in seeking academic promotions, award of financial benefits, or other matters concerning academic or administrative functions of the University authorities.
  • Resorting to use of coercive/oppressive or bullying tactics.
  • Inviting or allowing entry within the University premises of expelled students, anti-social elements or other persons whose presence on the university campus may cause conflict among the students or whose presence might create unhealthy atmosphere.
  • Bringing within the University campus, consuming or encouraging consumption of narcotics or indulging in criminal activities or acts involving moral turpitude.
  • Bringing within University premises, keeping / using different kinds of weapons.
  • Concealing from the University authorities any act or omission of any student or group of students as might be against the norms of good conduct.
  • Using or occupying any room or part of the building of the University campus unauthorized.
  • Taking out procession or holding meeting within University campus without prior permission from the competent authority.
  • Damaging university buildings, properties, lawns, orchards, experimental farms / stations, research farms, gardens, etc.
  • Generally from all such acts and deeds as might lead to bring disgrace and bad name to the University. Violation of Conduct and Discipline Regulations
  • Any student found to have violated the norms of conduct prescribed above shall be deemed to be guilty of the breach of conduct and discipline regulations of the University and shall be liable to penalty under the student conduct and discipline regulations. On Admission to the Privilege of Being a Hostel Resident, he / she Undertakes to abide by the Following Code of Conduct. That he/she shall follow the rules and regulations framed by University for Administration of University hostels from time to time.
  • That he / she shall not allow any guests in room after sunset.
  • He/She shall not knowingly give refuge or protection to any criminal or any other person who has committed any other recognizable offence or is a fugitive from law, shall not aid or abet any person in his/her criminal activities.
  • That he/she shall not bring, keep, store, or permit any one to keep, hide or store, any weapon even licensed, in the University Hostels; and That he/she shall sign the hostel register on arriving in the hostel after closing hours; giving name, room number, time of arrival and other particulars required in the register maintained for the purpose in the hostel entry room. Grounds of Penalty
  • If the competent authority is of the opinion that the defaulting student has committed any of acts herein mentioned shall consider the same as grounds for imposing penalty on the student.
  • Misconduct
  • Committing of acts of violence or use of force, intimidation, arms, or inciting other students for the same purpose.
  • Causing destruction of or damage to the University property or inciting students for the same purpose.
  • Making undesirable speeches, raising slogans, shouting and writing, publishing or circulating material derogatory to Pakistan, Islamic Ideology, and the prestige of the University or maligning the University authorities or the University teachers / officers and impairing the sanctity of the University.
  • Use of unfair means and malpractices in the examinations.
  • Consumption, use, sale and distribution of alcohol, liquor or other intoxicating drugs within hostels or campus of the University or being addict to any intoxicant.
  • Making collections or prompting collection of donations, subscriptions etc. in cash or kind as pecuniary assistance for or on behalf of the University or organizations or a department of the University, except in accordance with the instructions issued by the University authorities. Committing any act or omission involving moral turpitude which in the opinion of the authority is disgraceful for a University Student; and
  • Any act or omission on the part of a student even though committed outside the University campus, which in the opinion of the competent authority has exposed the University to bad name and defamation. Penalties
  • The competent authority may impose upon a defaulting student any of the following penalties: Minor Penalties
  • Warning in writing.
  • A fine not exceeding Rs.500/-
  • Withholding result of examination for a period not exceeding 6 months.
  • Withholding of a certificate of good moral character.
  • Fine commensurate with nature/extent of misconduct.
  • Withdrawal of financial concessions for a period not exceeding three months.
  • Expulsion from attending classes for a period not exceeding three months. Major Penalties
  • Cancellation of examination result.
  • Removal from hostel.
  • Deprivation from University privileges i.e. scholarship.
  • Rustication or expulsion from the University for a Specific Period.
  • Disqualifying for a period not exceeding three years for appearance in any University Examinations.
  • Rustication and ban on entry in the premises of the University for a period up to three years or more.
  • Procedure for Imposing Penalty
  • Following procedure shall be followed for imposing penalty on a defaulting student:
  • Orders of the Vice Chancellor shall be final. The right of review shall also vest in him / her.
  • Any orders imposing penalty may be withdrawn and misconduct pardoned with such conditions as may be considered necessary by the Vice Chancellor if at any time, after passing such orders, Vice Chancellor is satisfied that penalized student has exhibited genuine repentance over his past conduct and promises to demonstrate improved conduct in future.
  • If it comes to the notice of the Students Advisor that a student has conducted himself in a manner invoking any one or more of the grounds of penalty enumerated in regulations he / she shall immediately bring the matter to the notice of the competent authority and under his instructions shall hold preliminary inquiry by recording statements of witnesses and if necessary of the defaulting students.
  • In case of urgency requiring immediate preliminary inquiry, the Students Advisor may forth-with record the statement of the witnesses and if necessary of the defaulting student before reporting the matter to the competent authority. Provided that if the incident has directly come to the notice of competent authority he / she may direct a preliminary inquiry to be held by the student advisor.
  • The Students Advisor shall place the matter together with his / her report before the competent authority.
  • The competent authority on scrutiny of the preliminary inquiry and the report of the Students Advisor may direct a show cause notice to be issued to the defaulting student and refer the matter to the Discipline Committee of the University.
  • That the Competent Authority shall not be debarred from imposing a minor penalty on the defaulting student without reference to the Discipline Committee after giving a personal hearing to the defaulting student.
  • The Discipline Committee shall on the date fixed after receipt of reply to the show cause notice to the defaulting student hold a meeting at which the witnesses and the defaulting student shall be heard and the matter considered.
  • It shall be discretionary for the Discipline Committee to orally confirm statements recorded at the preliminary inquiry necessary to the witnesses and the defaulting student during the course of hearing.
  • The Discipline Committee may, if necessary, grant time till following meeting to witnesses and defaulting students to produce such evidence as may be unavoidably necessary for the determination of the issue before the Committee.
  • On completion of the proceeding the Discipline Committee shall forward the matter to the Competent Authority with its opinion proposing penalty to be imposed upon the defaulting student.
  • On receiving the opinion from the Discipline Committee, the Competent Authority may impose any penalty on the defaulting student. Appeal
  • A defaulting student can file an appeal against the order of the imposition of penalty to the Academic Council within one month of the decision of penalty on him / her. Other Penalties
  • Without prejudice to the grounds of penalty and penalties enumerated in regulation No: 5.1
  • (a) and
  • (b) have the authorities mentioned below may impose penalties shown against each for acts or omissions not covered by Regulation.

Officers Authorized to Impose Penalty

  • The Teacher Incharge Expulsion from the classroom, laboratories, workshop or field work for the period concerned (Max: four consecutive classes or one week).
  • President Gymkhana / Ex-officio. Expulsion from game for not more than one week.
  • The Chairman Library Committee. Expulsion from the library for a period not exceeding one month.
  • The Dean of a Faculty. Expulsion from all or any class in the faculty for a period not exceeding one month.
  • The Hostel Provost. Expulsion from residence in hostel for a period not more than four months.
  • The Students Advisor, Hostel Provost, President Gymkhana, Dean & Librarian fine not exceeding Rs. 500/-
  • The President Gymkhana. Suspension or removal from a Position of authority in University sports.
  • The Students Advisor, Suspension or removal from a position of authority in student union.
  • The Dean of a Faculty. Withholding or cancellation of Freeship of University.


Admission Policy Committee

1. Prof. Dr. Mujeeb-u-ddin Sahrai Memon Chairman

2. All Deans Member

3. Prof. Dr. A. Q. Mughal Member

4. Prof. Dr. Abdullah .G. Arijo Member

5. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio Member

6. Prof. Dr. Jan Muhammad Mari Member Director, SAU Sub Campus Umerkot

7. Prof. Dr. Abdul Ghani Lanjar Member Director, Advanced Studies

8. Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed Jakhro Member Controller of Examinations

9. Mr. Ghulam Muhiuddin Qureshi Member Registrar

10. Mr. Ahmed Khan Mangi

Member Secretary Director Admissions General Instructions

1. Admission to the first year of all Undergraduate degree programs is made according to the policy and the rules framed by the university. The rules of admission described below are subject to modification by the statutory bodies of the university as and when considered necessary.

  1. In case a candidate provides incorrect information and/or false certificates / documents detected before or at any stage after admission, his/her admission shall be cancelled.
  2. 3. A candidate suffering from any life threatening contagious disease is not eligible for admission. If detected at any stage, his/her admission shall be cancelled.
  3. . An applicant registered with any other University / Institution / College, if selected at Sindh Agriculture University,
  4. Tandojam, SZABAC, KCAE&T and SAU Sub-Campus Umerkot shall be admitted only after his / her cancellation of registration / admission in other academic institution. Any proof of dual admission shall result in cancellation of admission at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam, SZABAC, KCAE&T and SAU Sub-Campus Umerkot.
  5. An applicant previously admitted at any other University / Institution but rusticated / debarred before applying for admission at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam shall not be considered for admission at this university.
  6. An applicant convicted of moral turpitude shall not be considered for admission.
  7. The hostel accommodation is not the liability of the university and shall only be provided subject to the availability of space. Regulations for Admission to Undergraduate Degree Programs Following regulations shall apply to candidates seeking admissions to B.Sc (Agri.) Hons., D.V.M; BE. (Agri.); BSIT. (Hons.) and B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Sciences and Technology.


1. Minimum requirements of admission shall be Intermediate (PreMedical, Pre-Engineering and Pre-Computer) in the years 2017, 2018 & 2019 or an equivalent qualification with at least 50% marks. This condition applies to all merit, self-finance as well as reserved seats and specified quotas. Rural / Urban quota shall however strictly be observed. However, the eligibility for B.E. (Agri.) shall be 60% marks in intermediate (Pre-Engineering).

2. Candidates appearing/passing Intermediate (Pre-Medical, Pre-Eng. and Pre-Computer) in the supplementary Examination 2019 shall not be eligible; however, candidates passing their intermediate in supplementary examinations during the years 2017 and 2018 will be considered for admissions.

3. Candidates with Intermediate in:

  • a Pre-Medical Group shall be eligible for admission to D.V.M. in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Sciences.
  • b Pre-Engineering Group shall be eligible for admission to B.E. (Agri.) in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and KCAET.
  • c Both Pre-Engineering & Pre-Medical Groups shall be eligible for admission to B.Sc (Agri.) Hons. In the Faculty of Agricultural Social Sciences at the ratio of 80:20 (80% Pre-Engineering, 20% Pre-Medical).
  • d Both Pre-Medical & Pre-Engineering Groups shall be eligible for admission to B.Sc. (Agri.) Hons. in the Faculties of Crop Production, Crop Protection, SZABAC, SAU Sub-Campus Umerkot at the ratio of 80:20 (80% Pre-Medical, 20% Pre-Engineering). e Pre- Computer Group will be given priority for admission to BSIT. Hons. However, for vacant seat(s), Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical groups shall be eligible at the ratio of 80:20 (80% Pre-Engineering, 20% Pre-Medical). f Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering & Pre Computer Groups shall be eligible for admission to B.Sc. Hons. Food Sciences & Technology at the ratio of 65:30:05 (65% Pre-Medical, 30% Pre-Engineering & 5% Pre-Computer).
  • 4. Admission of Sindh-domiciled candidates shall be made according to district quota. The selection of candidates from district quota will be 80% from rural areas and 20% from urban areas. Urban areas in each district will be confined to Municipalities / Corporations as determined by the revenue department and the rest of the areas will be considered as rural. However, seats falling vacant either from rural or urban quota shall be filled within district.
  • 5. Vacant seats from the quota of any one or more districts of a division shall be filled in from amongst the remaining candidates of the other districts of that division in order of their merit. In all cases, 80:20 ratio (rural 80%: urban 20%) shall be maintained. However, the seats still falling vacant (either urban or rural) shall be filled within division. Even after observing the above formulations, any seat falling vacant shall be filled on overall merit basis at provincial level.
  • 6. In case of marks being equal between two or more candidates, selection will be made on the basis of marks obtained in science subjects related to the concerned Faculty.
  • 7. Admission of candidates from Baluchistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan, FATA and AJK shall be made on the recommendations of their respective Governments / Authorities in accordance with the rules as laid down in the prospectus. The admission of such candidates shall be limited to the number of seats allocated for that province. Direct application will not be entertained. The final merit of nominated candidates shall be determined by Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam after Entry Test scores.
  • 8. Candidates from Baluchistan province shall be nominated by the Government of Baluchistan:
  • Candidates belonging to Baluchistan Province and nominated by the Department of Livestock, Government of Baluchistan shall be considered for admission against reserved seats in the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Sciences. It is advisable that the nominating department shall nominate at least five candidates for each reserved seat (i.e. 30 candidates may be nominated against 6 reserved seats). The final merit of nominated candidates shall be determined by Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam after entry test scores.
  • b Candidates belonging to Baluchistan Province and nominated by the Department of Agriculture Extension, Government of Baluchistan, shall be considered for admission against reserved seats in the faculties of Crop Protection, Crop Production, Agricultural Social Sciences and Agricultural Engineering, Information Technology Center and Institute of Food Sciences & Technology. It is advisable that the nominating department shall nominate at least five candidates for each reserved seat (i.e. 200 candidates may be nominated against 40 reserved seats). The final merit of nominated candidates shall be determined by Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam after entry test scores.
  • c. Nomination / replacement of candidates for admission against reserved seats made by the concerned nominating agencies after the conduct of Pre-Entry Test shall not be entertained / accepted.

In case of reserved quota for Defense personnel, the nominations shall be made by General Headquarters.

10. In case of quota reserved for the dependents of regular employees of Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam / Constituent college(s) / Sub-Campuses, only the sons, daughters, real brothers/sisters shall be eligible to compete for reserved seats, provided their parents have put in 2 years of continuous regular service in the University (in-service or retired / expired). However preference shall be given to sons / daughters.

11. The candidates on sports quota shall be recommended for admission by the selection committee to be constituted by the Vice Chancellor. However, these seats are reserved only for candidates domiciled of various districts of Sindh Province. The candidates who have applied for admission and admitted under self finance scheme shall not be considered for admission against sports quota.

12. In case, the selection of candidates is made in the faculty other than the first choice of candidate as per first selection list, he / she shall have to seek registration by paying prescribed amount of fee, failing which he / she shall loose his / her right of admission and he / she not be considered for admission for the next selection list(s) even though he / she possesses higher score of adjusted marks.

13. Any candidate who fails to give option of choices for his / her selection as prescribed in the admission form, the selection of candidate will be made / determined by Admission Committee in the faculty as deemed appropriate as per merit which shall be treated as final.

14. The candidate(s) who have got admission by paying prescribed amount of fee and want to get their provisional admission cancelled; he / she shall be entitled to get refund of fee as per HEC policy.

15.There shall be no refund of self finance fees. However, the candidate gets admission earlier under self financing scheme but later on, he/she shall be considered / allowed admission on merit, he / she shall be entitled to get refund of cost of self finance seat as well as extra / excess amount of registration fees, if any, paid by him / her on account of admission / registration under self finance scheme.

16. All the candidates must produce marks certificates of S.S.C / H.S.C. / Diploma and other required documents in original at the time of admission / registration which will be returned back after six months except intermediate marks certificate.

17. After verification of the documents, in case of any forgery / manipulation detected at any stage, the authorities of the university shall have the right to cancel his / her admission.

18. Prospectus and admission forms shall be provided to the candidates on payment of prescribed fee of Rs. 3000.00 each (Form + Preadmission Test Fee) through the branches of bank specified in the advertisement.

19. The candidates desiring to compete against reserved seats of Sports Quota shall have to obtain and fill separate admission form and attach relevant sports certificates. Single form filled in to compete against reserved seats of sports quota seats, shall be considered only for District merit quota seats. Pre-Admission Test

21. All applicants those applying for admission on Open Merit, Reserved Seats (on merit basis) for various categories or Nominees of Provincial / Federal Government and Self-Finance
seats except students from overseas / Armed Forces shall compulsorily have to appear in a University Pre-admission test.

22. Test shall be conducted in four subjects, with subject-wise weight age, number of questions and marks as shown below:


24. Candidate securing atleast 20% marks in the Pre-Admission Test shall be eligible to compete for admission.

25. Twenty (20) Marks for Agriculture as third component in Matriculation examination shall be added to the total marks obtained in matriculation and the percentage shall be calculated for such candidates.

26. One 1% of the aggregate marks for each year shall be deducted from the total marks of Intermediate Science if the examination was passed during the year 2017 and 2018.

27. Twenty (20) Marks for Hafiz-e- Qur‟an shall be added to the total marks obtained in the intermediate examination and then percentage shall be calculated for such candidate. Identity Card

28. The Students, after getting admission at the University / College / SAU Sub-Campus, will be issued identity cards. It is necessary for the students to keep their valid identity cards with them while attending the classes, traveling in the point buses or staying in the campus. Re-Admission Policy

29. Those students who remained absent from their classes and examinations for any reason, will be considered for re-admission in the appropriate semester where they left their studies, with the appropriate batch subject to application of other relevant rules, provided the application for re-admission shall be routed through the Dean / Coordinator / Principal / Director of the Faculty / College / SubCampus concerned giving the cogent reasons. Enrolment Card

30. Each student is required to enroll himself / herself in the University after the finalization of the discipline in the first term of First Year and obtain enrolment card accordingly. In case of failure, he / she will not be allowed to appear in the examination of the first semester of the first year. Registration Form

31. The students seeking admission in each subsequent semester shall pay fees through bank challan in the relevant University / College(s) / Sub-Campus account(s) and shall submit their registration forms duly completed in all respects in the relevant University / College / SAU Sub-Campus Branch within stipulated time. In case any student who pays registration fees but fails to submit registration form in the relevant university / College / SAU Sub-Campus Branch, he / she shall be charged 50% of the late fees chargeable at the time when he/she submits the registration form in the relevant University / College / SAU Sub-Campus Branch. Migration Rules and Regulations

32. a Regulations governing the admission of students to the Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam by migration from other Universities or Institutions. Subject to the provisions of Regulations, the Vice Chancellor may admit a student to the University by migration from other Universities or Institutions according to the regulations.

i No student shall be admitted to first year class by such Migration.

ii Admission by migration to classes other than first year shall not be allowed ordinarily after the expiry 3 weeks from the commencement of the session.

iii No student shall be admitted by migration from a University or institution in Pakistan unless he produces a “no objection certificate” and good moral character certificate to the effect that the student has not been debarred from taking University Examination and suspended or not expelled or rusticated from the University or institution from which he/she intends to migrate and that no disciplinary action is pending against him / her.

iv An application for admission by migration shall be accompanied by detailed marks certificates showing the examinations passed by a student including Intermediate (Pre-Engineering, Pre-Computer & Pre-Medical Groups) B.Sc / B.E & DVM exam: on the basis of which he/she secured original admission in the parent University or institution.

v The migration of the students belonging to HEC recognized Universities/Institute of Sindh Province including constituent colleges / Sub Campus of SAU shall be allowed on the payment of Rs. 200,000/- to the Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam; while students belonging to HEC recognized Universities / Institute of other than Sindh Province shall be required to pay Rs. 500,000/- as migration fee and submit the “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) of parent University/Institutes.

vi The student seeking admission by migration shall have to pay fee for registration and examination for each term / semester of the pertinent degree program as applicable to other students at SAU.

vii That in addition to fee for admission by migration, the interested student shall have to pay Rs.5,000/- (Rupees five thousand) only as
case processing fees (non-refundable) with application for admission by migration.

viii That case for admission by migration shall be scrutinized through SAU Equivalence Committee and Credit hours Committee for determining its eligibility.

b No student admitted to any University or Institution against seats reserved for special categories shall be eligible for admission by migration. c Only those students who possess academic record comparable Colleges / Sub-Campus with admission requirements of this University shall be considered for admission. Note: No student seeking admission to second year who is required to carry more than four papers of 1st year (50% theory and 50% Practical) of this University shall be considered for admission by migration.

d The grounds for migration shall constitute changes in circumstances which render it practically impossible for the student to continue his / her studies in his / her parent University or Institution.



  • Change of faculty is allowed to candidates of Sindh Province only subject to the existing rules and following conditions:
  • Change will only be allowed against the vacant seat in a given Faculty from amongst self-finance quota.
  • Application/request for change of faculty will only be entertained if submitted to the Registrar within 2 weeks of the last date of the deposition of admission fee, subject to the NOC from both the Deans.
  • Request of candidates belonging to other Provinces for change of faculty shall not be considered.
  • Charges for Self-Finance or Faculty Change cannot be claimed / refunded after registration.
  • Installments of the cost of self finance seat(s) shall be paid in first and second semesters.
  • No student shall be allowed to change his / her discipline / course after the specified period as mentioned in relevant clause of Admission Policy.

O T H E R F E E S ( R s . )


1 Marks Certificate (Ordinary) 400

2 Marks Certificate (Urgent) 650

3 Migration Certificate 4000

4 Duplicate Migration Certificate 6500

5 Pass Certificate (Ordinary) 350

6 Pass Certificate (Urgent) 650

7 Aggregate Marks Certificate (Ordinary) 400

8 Aggregate Marks Certificate (Urgent) 650

9 Degree Certificate in Convocation 7000

10 Degree Certificate in Absentia 7000

11 Duplicate Degree Certificate 10000

12 Appearance Certificate 500

13 Result Announcement Certificate 500

14 Transcript Certificate (Ordinary) 750

15 Transcript Certificate (Urgent) 1000

16 Eligibility Certificate 1250

17 Gap Certificate 650

18 Bonafide Student Certificate 400

19. SAU Certificate Verification 650

20 Academic Performance Certificate 400

21 Correction / Re- totaling of Marks 400

22 Duplicate Admit Card 150

23. SAU Certificate Verification (Overseas) $ 60


S.# Name of Fees/Charges Rs. Per Year/Annum

1. Hostel Admission Fee 500

2. Hostel Card 100

3. Hostel Form 200

4. Room Rent 700

5. Electric 500

6. Water 200

7. Caution Money 700

8. Clinical 200

9. Development 200

10. Transport 800

11. Internet 1200

12. Sui Gas 200

TOTAL 5,500/=


1. The candidate will be required to write his/her name, father’s name and seat number on the top of the answer sheet and rough work sheet.

2. All rough work must be done on the rough work sheet.

3. In order to ensure a fair chance to every candidate and to conduct the test efficiently, the candidate must carefully follow the instructions given in this booklet and by the instructor.

4. The test is divided into five parts. Each part is composed of many short items. You will be given separate instructions for each part.

5. The instructor will inform the candidate when to start work on any of the test and when to stop. It is of utmost important that the work is performed only on that portion which the test is in progress.

6. During the test, do not talk, whisper, or turn your eyes or head away from your own papers.

7. Any evidence of cheating or non-compliance of instructions will disqualify the candidate from the test, and his name will be removed from the list of the candidate for admission.

8. The candidates should carefully think about their answer before writing it on the answer sheet. Once an answer has been written on the answer sheet, the candidate will not be permitted to change any
of his/her answers in any way. You cannot erase or overwrite your previous answer. All such answers will be treated as wrong.

9. Un-attempted question/s (blank) must be marked with a cross on the answer sheet.

10. There will be no negative marking in all parts of the test.

11. When the Instructor says, stop, the candidates are required to stop writing and cover your test booklet with the large size card specially provided for this purpose. Note: The candidates should not mark answers on the question paper.

All answers must be written only on the answer sheet with black ballpoint pen that has been provided to you

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