WAPDA Balochistan Quota Jobs 2024


WAPDA Balochistan Jobs 2024 has announced the Latest Vacancies In Balochistan, These Government Jobs have been advertised through Jang Newspaper Quetta, The recruitment will be based on the Department’s policy. Candidates from Balochistan who meet the eligibility criteria can now apply for the available vacancies which are mentioned in below Advertisement, Male/Female Eligible candidates can apply through the procedure defined by the organization and He/She can get these Jobs in Balochistan 2024 after the completion recruitment process.

The recent job advertisement WAPDA Balochistan Jobs 2024 has published various vacancies in Balochistan. The advertisement provides detailed information about the job titles, required qualifications, experience, and other essential criteria. It is essential for interested candidates to carefully Read the Concerned advertisement and ensure they meet all the requirements before proceeding with the application process.

Candidates Who are Interested In WAPDA Balochistan Jobs are Informed that Candidates must apply before or on the last date after the due date No application shall be accepted so do not wait for the Last date Apply today. Candidates Must Readout Below Advertisement Before Applying for Any Post. The interview and Test schedule will be announced later in local Newspapers. You can also visit our website’ Balochistan Jobs to get all updates. Don’t forget to visit our Website regularly to get every job’s Details on your device.

2Posted On18 September, 2024
3Deadline02 October, 2024
Read Below advertisement
5Newspaper nameJang
6Job TypeGovernment
8DepartmentWAPDA Balochistan
9Jobs AlertWhatsApp Group

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WAPDA Invites Following Job Opportunites

Available Job Positions at WAPDA Security Directorate:

  1. Head Fireman
  2. Fireman

Available Job Positions at Office of The Chief Engineer (Power) Tarbela:

  1. Foreman
  2. Turbine Operator
  3. Assistant Foreman
  4. Attendant
  5. Junior Store Keeper
  6. Junior Technician Electricion
  7. Junior Technician Mechanical
  8. Junior Technician Instruments
  9. Winder
  10. Miller
  11. Senior Clerk
  12. Crane Operator
  13. Diesel Generator Operator
  14. Junior Clerk Cum Computer Typist
  15. Assistant Station Attendant
  16. LTV Driver
  17. HTV Driver
  18. Mason
  19. Painter
  20. Carpentor

Available Job Positions at WAPDA Transport Directorate:

  1. Auto Mechanic (Petrol)
  2. Auto Mechanic (Diesel)
  3. Driver LTV
  4. Driver HTV

Available Job Positions at Office of The CE (O&M) 3-HHPS, Besham

  1. Assistant Private Secretary
  2. Foreman
  3. High Pressure Welder
  4. Assistant Foreman
  5. Stenographer
  6. Attendant
  7. Line Supritendant Grade-II
  8. Junior Technician
  9. Turner
  10. Welder
  11. Junior Clerk Cum Computer Typist
  12. Crane Operator
  13. Cook
  14. Assistant Station Attendent
  15. Lineman

Eligibility Criteria for WAPDA Jobs Online Apply 2024

Qualification: Each position in the WAPDA Jobs Online Apply 2024 has specific qualification requirements. Please refer to the official advertisement for detailed information about the qualifications needed for each role.

Experience: Candidates must possess job-related experience as outlined in the official advertisement. Ensure you meet the experience criteria for the position you are applying for.

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Application FormN/A
Online ApplyApply Online
Website Linkwww.ots.org.pk
WhatsApp GroupClick to Join

Details are given in the Advertisement Below

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ان آسامیوں کیلئے درخواست فارم ڈاؤن لوڈ کرنے کے لیے نیچے دیے گئے لنک پر کلک کریں

(Last date: 02 October, 2024)

How to Apply for the WAPDA Balochistan Jobs 2024?

  1. The application procedure can be also seen in the job above notice.
    1. Visit the Open Testing Services (OTS) website at www.ots.org.pk to begin your application process.
    2. After applying online, download the bank challan application form from the OTS website.
    3. Complete the bank challan with accurate details and pay the application fee of Rs. 200 at any branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL, or ABL.
    4. Send the completed application form along with attested copies of your educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC, relevant experience certificates, two recent passport-sized photographs, and the original fee challan. Send these documents via courier service or Pakistan Post to: Manager Operations (WAPDA) Open Testing Service Office No. 1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-IV, Islamabad.
  2. Only eligible candidates who perfectly meet the requisite qualifications and experience may send applications.
  3. Only short-listed candidates will be called for an interview.
  4. The department has reserved right to cancel the post
  5. The applicants working in Government/Semi-Government bodies must apply through the Proper channel.
  6. The interview Schedule will be announced after the deadline of the mentioned positions. and candidates must bring their original documents at the time of the interview.

Visit our website, BalochistanJobs.com, daily to stay updated on the latest Balochistan Jobs 2024, Latest scholarship updates, Admissions Notices, tests and interview schedules, internship Updates, and much more information for Balochistan. You Can also Follow us on social media platforms using the links provided below to receive updates on such information.

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